NEK Recovery Plan Update

NEK Recovery Action Plan

As the lead convener for our region, we at the NEK Collaborative have partnered with industry experts and community change-makers to outline the most feasible and impactful strategies to accelerate the recovery of the NEK in five priority areas.

If these are your priorities for our region and you want to advocate the strategies outlined below, sign on to the plan. Then contact your representatives—they want to know your vision for our region.


Goal: Ensure affordable, high-speed internet for all NEK residents.

  1. Increase visibility of and maintain public access to WiFi hotspots.

  2. Maintain subsidies for internet service & provide access to equipment for low-income Vermonters.

  3. Increase capacity to build-out a region-wide high-speed broadband network through direct grants, expanded VEDA broadband loans, and transfer of state-owned broadband assets.


Goal: Meet all current and prospective NEK residents’ housing needs.

  1. Establish a regional housing commission to assess need and demand, coordinate housing partners, and leverage public and private investments to improve and develop affordable & market rate housing units.

  2. Ensure financial support reaches low- to medium- income homeowners and renters and residents experiencing housing insecurity.

  3. Pilot Family SASH model and social worker positions to expand integrated mental, physical health, substance abuse, social justice, and social supports to stabilize families.


Goal: Reimagine a high-quality, sustainable birth to career educational system.

  1. Increase Child Care Financial Assistance Program reimbursements to reflect the true cost of providing care.

  2. Implement the Pupil Weighting Factors Report recommendations to ensure that all students receive substantial equality of educational opportunity throughout the State.

  3. Bring state appropriation for the Vermont State College System in line with other New England states.

  4. Conduct a study to identify the 1) educational needs of at-risk students and adults without high school diplomas, 2) barriers to existing programs, and 3) gaps in programs.


Goal: Organize and promote structured business support for long-term recovery.

  1. Provide direct financial assistance to small businesses, especially those who did not qualify for initial rounds of funding, and those in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

  2. Create a network of NEK Recovery Navigators to connect businesses to technical assistance,  business and financial planning, grant and loan writing support.

  3. Launch accounting & financial management technical assistance program for small businesses.


Goal: Support cultural and civic institutions and practices that build community.

  1. Provide bridge funding for nonprofit arts & cultural institutions that remain closed to the public or have significantly reduced operations.

  2. Create Project Developer position to accelerate & support community recovery initiatives.

  3. Increase capacity of backbone organization to grow and support culture & community building events & groups.


These priorities do not exist in a vacuum. The success of each initiative depends upon the success of the others. The plan itself isn’t enough; we need the people and the resources required to carry it out. Diverse leadership and region-wide coordination are the keys to affecting positive change in our sparse region.

We strive to be an inclusive & independent rural development hub that convenes people across sectors region-wide for the purpose of advancing a common vision. Our success depends on the engagement of ALL NEK residents, especially those who have been historically underrepresented, such as BIPOC, the LGBTQ+ community, young people, and people with lived experience of poverty. 

  1. Build region-wide leadership capacity through an NEK Community Weavers Program that will provide training, funding and support to emerging community changemakers.

  2. Increase capacity and ensure region-wide alignment by facilitating a regional cross-sector network to strengthen partnerships.

What does success look like?

Rural regions matter.

People invest in rural areas for their good food, clean water and energy, healthy soil, quality education & healthcare, and opportunities for all.

Policies work for rural.

Programs, funding formulas, and policy decisions acknowledge and address the evolving needs of rural populations.

People are engaged. 

With increased capacity in rural regions, businesses, nonprofits and community groups have the workforce & people power they need to succeed.

As we continue recovering and reaching toward vibrancy, the opportunities for systemic change have never been clearer or more within reach. The success of these strategies requires authentic partnership and efficient coordination. We invite partners, legislators, funders and community members to come together in this work, the results of which will be a healthier, happier region for everyone.

Support the Plan

Would you or your organization like to show your support for the NEK Recovery Action Plan? If these are your priorities for our region and you want to advocate the strategies outlined, sign on today!

Contact Our Representatives

If there’s a particular strategy in the plan you want to advocate, contact your representatives and let them know. In your outreach, consider including:

  • Who you are and where you live

  • A statement of support for the NEK Recovery Action Plan

  • The specific strategy or strategies you support

  • Why you support the strategy or strategies

Representatives want to know your vision for our region. They are representing YOU at the statehouse. Make your voice heard →