NEK Connects '21 Recordings

NEK Connects 2021 has Come & Gone!

With this year’s Connects event behind us, it’s time to reflect on some of the things we’ve learned- and catch up all the people who couldn’t make it! The following are hand-edited videos of all the NEK Connects sessions and presentations that made this event awesome.

Lt. Governor Molly Gray’s Address- Recover Stronger

Housing Meeting

Who are the players in the Northeast Kingdom Housing accessibility game- and what are they doing to change the circumstances of housing in the NEK? For NEK Connects 2021, we brought together head developers and analysts from the public and private sector. What they present are the leading ideas and insights in the Northeast Kingdom Housing ecosystem- as well as their answers for the Northeast Kingdom's questions.

Workforce Meeting 1

How do small businesses and organizations attract and retain employees in the age of the Great Resignation? What resources exist in the Northeast Kingdom to enable these organizations? What can businesses and organizations do differently? These and more questions are discussed in our first Workforce Meeting.

Workforce Meeting 2

NEK Connects' second of two breakout meetings on Workforce Development on November 12th, 2021, an event hosted by the Northeast Kingdom Collaborative. What challenges do NEK-specific businesses face when searching for employees? How are they dealing with workforce shortages- and what sort of strategies might be applicable to all NEK Organizations? These questions and more were taken up by CEO of Northern Counties Healthcare Micheal Costa and Human Resources Director at Jay Peak Resort at Workforce Meeting 2.

Cultures of Belonging in the NEK

The Cultures of Belonging group at NEK Connects, an event hosted by the Northeast Kingdom Collaborative. What responsibility do we have for the feelings of others? In what ways are we susceptible to prioritizing the protection of our egos over respectful communication? How can we best reflect on the interactions we have with others? This video will guide you through, and hopefully demonstrate, how these things are possible in our personal and professional lives.